We work closely with our partners every day to create the best solutions, backed by the highest level of security. Together, we're building a future where innovation meets reliability, ensuring success with confidence at every step
"Legacy Investments AG is on the continuous pursuit to elevate the property real estate landscape, and forever enhancing human connection. Achieved through experiential design, prop-tech innovation technology, data intelligence and securities, and the best portfolio destinations in leisure luxury, Switzerland."
"GEFISWISS is the authentically sustainable financial partner for investors seeking investment products and services in the real estate sector."
PST Legal & consulting
"PST legal & consulting is an owner-managed law firm based in Zug specialising in commercial law and advising on international issues. They have been advising international enterprises and affiliates for more than twenty years on all aspects of commercial law with a focus on national and international tax law, corporate law and contract law and on financial market legal systems."
"A company of the Loyal Capital Partners (LCP) Group
We are based in Switzerland and cater for all real-estate related investments, transactions and developments pertaining to the Loyal Capital Partners (LCP) Group.
Thanks to a proven track record of successful business operations in Switzerland, as well as sound and solid partnerships with carefully chosen architects, constructors and surveyors, LCP RED – Real Estate Developments enjoys a comfortable reputation that serves our most discerning clients, both private investors and corporate entities"
Locatelli Legacy
The locatelli family
Bär & Karrer
Bär & Karrer is a leading Swiss law firm with more than 200 lawyers.
Our core business is advising our clients on innovative and complex transactions and representing them in litigation, arbitration and regulatory proceedings. Our clients range from multinational corporations to private individuals in Switzerland and around the world.
"As a fourth-generation family business, a forward-looking and responsible approach to the valuable resource of wood forms the starting point of our value chain – which, incidentally, is unrivalled anywhere in Europe in terms of innovation, comprehensiveness and supply security"
HSBC is assisting with due diligence as well as providing bank security, primarily concerning investments in the fund. Additionally, they are issuing a bank guarantee on the loan.
Luzerner Kantonalbank AG driver 23 filialer og er en af ​​de største schweiziske kantonalbanker. Dets kerneforretning omfatter ejendoms- og virksomhedsfinansiering, pensionsordninger samt formuerådgivning og -forvaltning. Med sin repræsentation i Zürich er LUKB også til stede på en vigtig private banking-lokation i Schweiz. Kundenærhed og høj ydeevne kendetegner LUKB og gør den til den foretrukne bank for kunder, medarbejdere, aktionærer og regionen.
LUKB har været et privat selskab siden 2001 og er noteret på SIX Swiss Exchange. 38,5% af aktiekapitalen er bredt fordelt blandt offentligheden, 61,5% ejes af kantonen Luzern. LUKB har en statsgaranti og en langsigtet AA-rating fra Standard & Poor's (kortsigtet rating A-1+).